make something beautiful with someone you don't know yet

08 09 10 Giros

08: Double Giro
2017 Bio: Embrace

In the biomechanics class we study three aspects of the embrace:

  • Basic stabilization: contraction of Shoulder external rotators + triceps
  • Directional stabilization: contraction of anterior deltoids for direction toward/away from mark, contraction of supraspinatus correlating to lateral direction.
  • Changes of embrace:
    • lateral shoulder flexion every time we move in different directions
    • vertical shoulder flexion to close/open the embrace
    • elbow flexion to give permission for lean/hang (volcada/colgada)
2017 Impro

Basic double giro, both partners follow molinete pattern, putting their steps parallel and using lateral shoulder flexion to adjust the embrace during every step.

The mark must show Revel’s direction before moving!


09: Single-Giro: Mark
2017 Bio
  • oblique muscles rotate the spine
    • there are two on each side (one for each direction), so whichever is the base leg, we have in its muscle chain one muscle to go right and another to go left.
    • get to know, strengthen, and trust the obliques for every kind of pivot and lateral movement in both roles.
  • the Mark’s arm who is in the desired direction needs to be gently abducted, with the supraspinatus muscle. the other arm should not abduct as this will confuse his intentions.
2017 Impro
  • change direction with rebote or pivot/ocho
  • stop the giro with an elegant pivot parada
  • the Mark’s single giro is his time to show off. The revel provides stability, predictability (even time and size of steps), and momentum/power to augment his. He can make patada, barrida, voleo, gancho.
Single-Giro: Revel’s Calesita


2017 Biomechanics:

Maximum projection

  • Knee and ankle extension
  • dégagé: maximize projection into the air with knee extended
  • developé: fluid/sequential motion of joints
  • voleo: fluid/sequential motion of joint and maintain torsion
2017 Impro
  • first, hold the projection in place
  • the mark can move the projection by relaxing shoulders, often happens during open step, but he can also block it.
  • revel can release own leg by relaxing her shoulders
  • don’t just do voleos, use other ways to maximize: into the air, tapping, developé, tight muscles in collect….


Variations of Each Element


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2017 Biomechanics Classes

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