What Marks say:
“I lose myself with you.”
“You set me free. I feel like I can do anything.”
“With you, I don’t dance any clichés.”
“You have a lot of tango in you.”
“I’m just looking for the rhythm. You are about everything else.”
“I don’t have to think. I can just dance.”
“Perfect. That’s dancing.”
What revels say:
“You are actually more interesting than most men.”
“You dance the most complicated dance of any woman mark I’ve seen.”
About Vio y Roberto:
“It looks like you are flying within emotion.”
About Vio y Germain:
“That was so sensual I’ll never be able to be satisfied by watching regular tango again.”
Tango has broken me as often and as profoundly as it has uplifted me. It is alternately a dizzying drug and the only firm ground in my life. It makes me feel crazy and sane, cursed and blessed – often in prompt succession.
I Mark and I Revel. When I Revel I feel like a ballerina fairy princess. When I Mark I feel like a man. I like to dress up. I can dance in any shoes as long as they are beautiful. I get high from teaching. I love dancing in close embrace. My favorite traditional composer is d’Agostino. I am a foodie, and I especially like dessert.
I began dancing in 2006 in Los Angeles, taking private lessons with El Pulpo and other visiting teachers. My first trip to Buenos Aires was 2008. I returned in 2009, 2010, and 2011 for a total of 11 months. While there I took 2-4 classes in both roles daily at Escuela DNI Buenos Aires, 3-5 private lessons/week, Chicho Frúmboli’s 30-hour seminar in February 2010, and danced more than 300 nights in the most ambitious milongas of the virtuosic era.
I have a PhD in economics. When I began to teach tango in 2008 I drew on scientific skills of research, observation, analysis, theory, and praxis as well as a professional commitment to ethics and effective pedagogy.
Frustrated with the lack of precise instruction, I spent four years reflecting on the best dances I’d experienced on Buenos Aires, investigating and distilling technique until I could dance every variation of every tango elment in both roles and teach my students to feel like like the best dancers I’d ever danced with.
I documented my analysis in the TangoForge KnowledgeBase, launched in 2013. It described every movement in tango using anatomically-correct terms, consistent and distilled biomechanics, actionable instruction, and systems of variations for improvisation. From 2016 I developed The TangoForge 5 Biomechanical Tools based on 5 years training at the San Francisco Russian Ballet School, 11 years of Vinyasa Yoga, and 250 hours of Pilates under the supervision of Ali Townsend at The Pilates Studio. The system was evaluated and corrected by 2 experts in biomechanics, Brendan Roach of BodyLab, and Michael Chang of the University of Sydney.
My Revels move in a way that opens possibilities for their partner. Men often come to me in a milonga to say “I always know when I have one of your students in my arms.”My Marks improve quickly and become popular dancers because of their gentle embraces and creativity. I have worked with more than 19 partners. I have trained four intermediate dancers to a professional level in both roles.
I founded Queer Tango Boston in 2008, Queer Tango Wellington in 2009, and TangoForge in 2011. In 2014 TangoForge moved from Sydney to Berlin to partner with Roberto L’Ange.
I have discovered a pedagogy for creativity which frees tango from the embrace and from control. In this dance, we trust tango’s shared language, our bodies, and the tango roles to bring forth the fire of creativity.
We are devoted to the principle that Tango can be communicated in a way that everyone can understand and implement, so that teaching is not a cult of personality and metaphor, but a precise, objective, verifiable toolbox that empowers students.
We teach tango from the elements, without sequences or memorization. We show the systems for finding variations of any element.
We use precise anatomical instructions to train delicious sensation and fluid motion . Students use our biomechanical tools to diagnose their own errors, assist partners, and learn faster from any teachers.
Our entire curriculum is available instantly in our Digital School, which includes the MasterCourse, the KnowledgeBase, an Exercise Center, and Home Solo Practice Courses.
If you want to meet us live, join our tourdates email list or check the Agenda anytime.
You can read more about our pedagogy or read commendations from our students.
We believe that tango can be liberating and we seek to build ethical communities of dancers, Marks and Revels who work and play in dialogue and celebration of creativity. Our technique enables the use of traditional tango as an expressive art with any music in any context. Our students are interested in learning about their bodies and they are fascinated by tango’s possibilities. If you are an ambitious dancer of any level who wants to develop your tango to a high level of artistic expression, we want to work with you!
I've been with 7 other Tango teachers in Melbourne, Sydney and New York.
Your videos give more relevant practical info in 60 seconds then most students get in 10 years, if ever...Every time I watch your videos
your clarity and accuracy amazes me anew.It is rewarding to see my partner's transformation...
He is more confident, and a lot more playful and creative.I really need to compliment you on your teaching methods, because
I grow as a tango dancer very quickly with the MasterCourse, so I stopped doing regular group classes.We believe that Argentine Tango should be a liberatory experience. We dance Extreme Tango, taking the Traditional Tango vocabulary to the physical and improvisational extreme.
We host Altertango events, to get tango out of milongas and into contemporary culture.
We create performances, images, and videos to encourage and inspire our global community.
We encourage all gender/roles, dancing styles, and the application of tango to every music you love.
We love to dance with power. We take the Traditional Tango vocabulary to the physical and improvisational extreme. In our performances and videos we also create new images and stories of tango. See the Director’s Cut summarizing our projects in Berlin from 2015-2020.
“Flying in Trust” cuts through the myths of tango and crystallizes poignant issues of culture, emotion, and expression. Several hundred posts offer insights on the tango scene, style, emotions, and authenticity. Readers say
“it’s like water for tango dancers.”
Until Forever: The Dark Silences of Argentine Tango is a sociology of tango as popular culture.
In 2009, Duro and I published Aleph Bravo Tango a novel about beginning to dance. We used the name Dyv, which is a contraction of Duro y Vio. Among many other things, the novel encourages readers to imagine a Queerer Tango. Dancers make comments like “how did you know what I was feeling?”
Thank you to all the Dancers and Photographers.
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