TRYST is an Altertango Concert Series
Thursdays 14.March-11.April 2019
Lotus Loft, Berlin
Altertango is TangoForge's project to get Tango out of Milongas
and into inspiring musical contexts...
The musicians tell the dancers “We can feel you.”
The dancers say “This is so beautiful.”
14.3: Gábor Hartyáni
21.3: Abisko Duo
28.3: Alan Nguyen, violin+loop
4.4: Carlos Libedinsky
with Ibon Goitia (saxophone), Simon Houghton and
Gábor Hartyáni (cellos)
4.11: HandSigns Band
conducted by Carlos Libedinsky
19:00-20:30 Advanced Workshop with Vio y Roberto: Registration Required (below)
20:00-21:00 Absolute Beginner’s Class (free with concert entry)
21:00-24:00 Live music sets with neotango DJ sets between by Florian Schwan and Gökhan Aksakalli.
Cocktails by Santana and Klippenziege Gin.
Tryst II Workshop with Vio y Roberto
14.March-11.April 19:00-20:30
14.3: Elasticities Contra voleos and patada
21.3: Consequences: Pro voleos, volcada/colgada
28.3: Interactions: Sacada, Barrida, Gancho
4.4: Customs: Molinetes & Adornos
4.11: Pro/Contra: Uses and Pleasures
21.3: Consequences: Pro voleos, volcada/colgada
28.3: Interactions: Sacada, Barrida, Gancho
4.4: Customs: Molinetes & Adornos
4.11: Pro/Contra: Uses and Pleasures
Price of the workshop €25 includes entry to the TRYST Altertango Concert
Our Altertango experiments began on 1.December, 2017 when we were invited to make a dance floor at a concert of Abisko Lights at Wabe. The dancers we invited loved the experience.
We furthered experiments and collaborations with improvising musicians during the Seminar Encuentro Compañeros TangoForge 2018 and launched our first public instance of TRYST 25.October-29.November.
e also integrate improvised music and Altertango events into our seminars and workshops. See our tour schedule.
Lotus Loft is located at Gerichstraße 23.
Enter through the archway, then turn right and follow signs for TRYST and Lotus Loft.