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The Berlin Interviews

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In 2015 the Magazine Modern Tango World asked me to interview important figures in the Berlin Argentine Tango Scene for their Berlin issue. These interviews are republished with permission. I have also included previous and subsequent interviews in this section.

Stadtbadfront ohne text web

Berlin Tango Histories

“Berlin is the first city of the world where you had tango community who danced Argentine Tango. In Japan in 40s and 50s you had many people who heard tango music, But dancers in a community, you had in Uruguay and BsAs, but not in Europe. The first point of the world to have this outside from South America was Berlin. Berlin is famous for the boheme life. People come here to go out, to meet people, to laugh and love with them. And tango is a part of this.

jens stuller

DJ Jens Stuller, Interview

My first big Milonga idea grew up in 2007, when I saw an announcement for a theater performance in an empty indoor swimming pool. I


Experimenting to popularize Tango

Sven Elze and Pedram Shahyar, Tango Kollektiv The challenge facing every tango professional is how to attract new dancers. We all have lots of ideas,


Growing up Tango in Berlin, interview with Max Power, Tanguito Potsdam

For me authenticity is really important, but it’s authenticity for me, my logic, what I am doing. What I am teaching about tango makes sense. So that a student afterwards feels comfortable, feels logical, that they can use it, that they can understand it, practice it, get better.


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