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Iconoclastic Tango Style

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tango's elegance
Blame it on the Bandoneon Tango Tshirts Illustrated Tango Wear from Blame it on the Bandoneon I am a dancer and artist from Manchester in the UK. My designs are inspired by Tango, I love the intricate patterns found on old Bandoneons and the modern street art of Buenos Ayres. I started putting my art on to t-shirts to wear myself, but people at Tango events always asked where I had […]
Tango clothing How can tango clothing be too sexual? Tango is a chance to be sexy and show off. People should wear whatever they want. One of the great things about tango is that “No one will ever say ‘You’re too old to be wearing that’.” It’s clearly untenable to get prudish about the dance which is already perceived to be pure sex.
About shoes for tango About shoes for tango Wear whatever makes you feel sexy. I see no reason whatsoever to wear technical dance shoes, and several reasons not to. Like clothing, there are a few functional requirements, but many non-dance shoes meet these requirements, while looking and feeling much better than tango shoes.
Packing for Buenos Aires Packing for Buenos Aires You will need to feel great. Bring whatever makes you feel Sexy Sexy Sexy (daytime stuff too). Do not pack anything that you feel so-so in. You won’t even want to go to the grocery store in it.
Argentine Tango What to wear? The main thing to pay attention to when shopping and dressing is how a piece of clothing makes you feel. Notice if you are smiling, notice if you are twirling or tapping your feet. If this piece of clothing gives you joy and makes you want to dance, then it’s a keeper. If you’re feeling doubtful or self-conscious, take it off!

Style Guides

Argentine Tango What to wear? The main thing to pay attention to when shopping and dressing is how a piece of clothing makes you feel. Notice if you are smiling, notice if you are twirling or tapping your feet. If this piece of clothing gives you joy and makes you want to dance, then it’s a keeper. If you’re feeling doubtful or self-conscious, take it off!
minblueblack Vogue Demaciado As a tango dancer, I have not been graced with the right body or the right beauty. Of course, I want to be the tango princess, with the skinny legs and the delicate shoes (except that I don’t want that boring hair!). But I’m driven to create images that express my ethics, costumes which say something. This comes at the cost of traditional beauty.
Tango shoes Vio’s weird shoes The most common thing for someone to say to me at a milonga is “you can’t dance in those shoes”. About 5 minutes later, they realize they’re wrong. When I started dancing, one of the main attractions was the chance to dress up often, including high heels. Since I was about 14 I’ve had more […]
Nick Brown Menswear Shopping in Sydney Your clothes should be as unique as your dance, but if you dance a lot you’ll need a lot of outfits. Look for interesting and inexpensive things at flea markets, secondhand stores, and young designers. Here are a few recommendations for Sydney dancers. And be sure to see my cautionary notes and shopping tips. Men […]
Packing for Buenos Aires Packing for Buenos Aires You will need to feel great. Bring whatever makes you feel Sexy Sexy Sexy (daytime stuff too). Do not pack anything that you feel so-so in. You won’t even want to go to the grocery store in it.
Tango clothing How can tango clothing be too sexual? Tango is a chance to be sexy and show off. People should wear whatever they want. One of the great things about tango is that “No one will ever say ‘You’re too old to be wearing that’.” It’s clearly untenable to get prudish about the dance which is already perceived to be pure sex.
Custom Tango shoes Getting custom shoes made in Buenos Aires EVERY shoe store (except 2×4) will tell you that they do “custom” shoes: “Anything you want!”. We learned that what this means is that they will change the colors and materials of the models they make. It has NOTHING to do with the fit. If you have a VERY unusual foot, what you actually need […]
About shoes for tango About shoes for tango Wear whatever makes you feel sexy. I see no reason whatsoever to wear technical dance shoes, and several reasons not to. Like clothing, there are a few functional requirements, but many non-dance shoes meet these requirements, while looking and feeling much better than tango shoes.
Comme Il Faut modular tango shoes About Comme Il Faut tango shoes The most expensive tango shoe company is actually cutting costs by building shoes like legos. They have several fronts, several backs, and several heels, and they just mix and match and change the colors. That is not design and it’s not style. Punto.

Curated Shopping

photo Mutti Love dresses for grownups Wandering København, I stopped to compliment a most elegant woman on the combination of her shoes and skirt. This turned out to be Karen Buus-Hansen, wearing her own skirt, enjoying the sun outside her shop. I complemented her on the scale of the print on the skirt, saying that it reminded me of my preference […]
Blame it on the Bandoneon Tango Tshirts Illustrated Tango Wear from Blame it on the Bandoneon I am a dancer and artist from Manchester in the UK. My designs are inspired by Tango, I love the intricate patterns found on old Bandoneons and the modern street art of Buenos Ayres. I started putting my art on to t-shirts to wear myself, but people at Tango events always asked where I had […]
stoffrausch custom-made tango clothes (Berlin and online) Finding wide-legged pants for men and a-line skirts for girls can be a real challenge. If you are in Berlin you can choose the fabric yourself for fabulous tango clothes at Stoffrausch. They also have an online shop. Thanks to Sebastian of Art13 for this tip.  

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