make something beautiful with someone you don't know yet

The word ‘giro’ in Castellano just means turn, which is pretty vague. If you take classes in Buenos Aires you will see all kinds of things referred to as turns.

English speakers generally reserve the term ‘giro’ for sequences in which the partners are walking around one another on a circle. Note that a giro refers to progress around such a circle regardless of whether the entire perimeter is traversed.

Walking on a circle means walking lateral to the partner. The default way of walking lateral (whether on a line, as in molinete lineal) or on a circle (giro) is to alternate front, side, and back steps (front, side, back, side, front…) facing the partner during the side steps, and turning the hips 90 degrees during the front and back steps.

The Mark is under no obligation to enact the default.

Receiving a continuous lateral intention, the Revel moves in the default. The Mark has the option to modify her pattern, but to do so, he must mark each step.

There are three forms this can take:

  • Revel walks around the mark: single-giro
  • Both partners walk around each other: double-giro
  • Mark walks around revel (technically another single-giro): calesita


Variations of Each Element




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