Colgada Biomechanics

  • permission: elbows extend, hands move down
  • stabilize with cocontraction
  • maximize with increased hip flexion + shoulder flexion
  • ass on the line

It’s rare that I have anything to add to the videos…

I spent so much money and angst trying to learn colgadas and volcadas. Many very nice teachers struggled with the students to try to get our hips into the right position. We practiced uselessly for hours, then went home and argued, never sure if we had it “right”…

The solution to hip stabilization (and, thereby, lightness) in any off-balance position is to contract the piriformis. This prevents weight dropping into the hip joint (and thereby onto the partner) by ensuring that the leg and abdominal muscles are supporting that weight.

Further, contraction of the piriformis triggers the stabilization chain which allows us to control and adjust the position of the hip while it’s overburdened, which otherwise can be difficult.

Master Argentine Tango

Digital School





2017 Biomechanics Classes

Variations of Each Element


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