make something beautiful with someone you don't know yet

19 20 Blocks: Rebote Cadera and Patada

1. Co-contraction for blocks

1.1 co-contraction by extension 01:15 1.2 elasticity in the embrace 02:25

2. rebote cadera technique 04:00 improvisation

2.1 All 4 positions 07:12 2.2 remix rebote cadera and contra circular voleo 08:44 2.3 use the exit pivot 10:12 2.4 use the technik to modify molinetes 11:06

3. patada technique 12:43 improvisation

3.1 in the line of dance 17:10 3.2 into crossed steps 18:06 3.3 from pivot 19:26 3.4 exit to cross 21:14 3.5 exit to gancho 21:45 3.6 patada as entrance to Mark’s gancho 22:45

19/20 Blocks: Solo Practice

Ex1 Begin by reviewing the difference between co-contraction by flexion and extension in a side step rebote.

Ex2 Now with your hands on your kitchen counter or a wall, contrast rebote cadera with circular voleo from a base of ochos. Remember to do all 4 positions. Start without music, then try with music, exploring different dynamics of both rebote cadera and voleo.

Ex3 Practice patada both entering and receiving with your elbows and knees extending at the same time.

19/20 Blocks: Pair Practice

Ex1 Without music and working alone, begin by reviewing the difference between co-contraction by flexion and extension in a side step rebote. Then practice patada both entering and receiving with your elbows and knees extending at the same time.

Ex2 Now with the Mark standing still (with legs apart) and offering the arms in a stable position, the Revel can practice contrasting rebote cadera, patada, and circular voleo from ochos. Remember to do all 4 positions for voleo and rebote cadera. The Mark should just focus on perceiving how the motion of her body is different in rebote cadera, patada, voleo. Please try both roles!

Ex3 Now, still without music and only using ochos in a stationary position, the Mark can practice the mark for all of the movements from exercise 2. The Revel should give feedback to increase the clarity and distinctiveness of the mark for rebote cadera, patada, and voleo.

Ex4 Now use the Mark’s single giro as the base to practice rebote cadera and voleo.

Ex5 Now walk in the line of dance creating Mark’s and Revel’s patadas without pivot. Wait until they feel sweet and easy before trying from pivot.

Variations of Each Element


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