make something beautiful with someone you don't know yet

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The Jewel Lab: The mlonga where we treat each other like Jewels.


Colombian Hotel, Sydney.

The founders of Jewel lab were Nick y Vio. We left Syndney in 2015 and 2019.


JewelLab developments

I founded JewelLab at the Colombian Hotel as Rainbow Queer Tango Sydney in 2011. It started as a class, but became a practica, which Jael and

sydney november  square

Vio Sydney Sundays November 2015

Vio will teach three Sundays in November. Each day will include two workshops. One on improvisation for dancing to powerful music, excerpts from a series developed for Tangoloft-Berlin. The second workshop will cover parts of the Biomechanical Toolbox. Choose a number of workshops in the registration form.

JewelLab Summer Musicality Practica

Summer 2014/2015 At JewelLab So you’ve learnt perfect technique from Vio, you can mark and revel with precision, but you freeze up on the dance

wanted tanzpartner

TangoForge AU news September 2014

      To my dear tango students and friends in Australia, I have just returned from seven weeks in Europe, mostly Berlin. You can

Investigation Group

The purpose of the Investigation Group is to develop our dancing relationships and to deepen our capacities to reflect on and talk about tango with


Jewel Lab: Survey Results

Thank you so much for taking the Jewel Lab Survey. I’m flabbergasted by the results. A few people had been hassling me to play more

Argentine Tango out of the clichés

We’re scheming to get tango out of the clichés. To show that it’s athletic…that its romance will take you by surprise…that it’s drop-dead sexy in whatever shoes you are already wearing… and that you can dance tango to the music you already love.

Quro Health Studios

Bodywork Sydney

Simonne Smiles Pilates Brad Moffitt Remedial Massage Therapy 0416 308 764 Quro Health Studios: Unlimited yoga and pilates for $35/week with contract or $37/week without contract.

TangoForge Argentine Tango Bootcamp Sydney

Creative Argentine Tango Bootcamp

Do you want your evenings to be creative? Are you yearning for more profound connection…wanting to get beyond small talk…tired of the bar scene… This

TangoForge Argentine TangoClasses


If you’re in Sydney, I offer monthly technique topics developed at the Tuesday Jewel Lab class. This way everyone who wants to learn with me has four chances to learn and consolidate each month’s material.

A16 Jewel Lab: The party!

  The Jewel Lab Party sparkled with more than 60 guests and 10 performers. It was a beautiful night of celebrating our community. Consensus is

Gourmet Tango

Food at the Milonga

In April 2013, I began an innovation which is to combine my two sensuous passions, Argentine tango and artisan food. Each of my events will

The moveable milonga

Welcome to the Moveable Milonga!

Like many people I started dancing tango because of Sally Potter’s movie, The Tango Lesson. Different things about the movie moved us, as different things

Practica Dynamica

Practica Dynamica

Practica Dynamic is not on at the moment. Bring your moves, questions, and spirit to Practica Dynamica Encouraging dynamic bodies, embraces, music… Welcoming all levels,

Rainbow Queer Tango Sydney

Rainbow Queer Tango Sydney Press Release

Queering the World’s Most Romantic Dance. Gay people grasp the magic of Argentine Tango – in Buenos Aires, Berlin, San Francisco, New York, Stockholm, New York, Boston, Portland, Wellington, México City…

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