A voleo is a special effect in which the Revel’s projection is maximized into the air.
Voleo = projection + power.
The power comes from co-contraction. The mark creates co-contraction and the revel’s body mirrors it.
There are several different shapes of voleos:
- Voleo circular: The voleo arcs in both horizontal and vertical planes. There are only two of these, front and back.
- Planeo: the voleo’s arc is horizontal, not vertical. The toes stay on the floor. Also called voleo bajo. This is almost always done to the back.
- Voleo lineal: the voleo’s arc is vertical but not horizontal. This is possible as a front, side, or back voleo.
- Gancho (voleo interrupted by the Mark’s leg, creating a hook). Front and back with lots of possible combinations of the legs.
The power can be delivered in two ways
- Pro voleo: He adds power in the same direction as the projection.
- Contra voleo: He cracks power through her body by moving in the opposite direction.
Beautiful voleos
- begin with co-contraction of the base leg so that the free leg moves with power
- are created by sequential motion of the free leg’s hip and then knee joints.
- start and end in projection
- have pointed toes at all times
Marks can also make voleos as an adorno.