make something beautiful with someone you don't know yet

Patada is a charming move, fast, sweet, and cute.

Both partners can do patada.

Place the kicking leg perpendicular to and centered in hole made by the receiving step, about 15cm off the floor. When receiving a patada the Mark can adjust the angle of his step to intercept the revel’s kick.

To create a fast but soft kick: flex the free leg’s hip and then extend its knee. Point your toes!

The Revel’s patada into the Mark’s step:

  • Co-contraction, applied in a contra direction to a front projection, with a change of embrace to block. There is no need to use a volcada to create this movement.
  • The projection is built in to the movement. First flex the hips pulling the tailbone back then co-contract the quads/hamstrings and biceps/triceps.

The Mark’s patada into the Revel’s step:

  • Mark for her to make a rebote alone. The co-contraction mark for her elasticity is a co-contraction in the Mark’s base leg.
  • As a consequence of the co-contraction, he then releases his free leg frontward (just as a Revel’s voleo is a consequence of co-contraction).


Variations of Each Element




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