One Tanda with Ekaterina

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Ekaterina Khomenko was murdered in St Petersburg on 7 September.  It is strongly believed that the murder is connected to her work as a Queer Tango teacher. (News articles: Global Voices and Queer Russia.)   We danced this past July at the Berlin Queer Tango Festival 2014 and I want to thank Ekaterina more formally for what […]

Berlin Queer Tango Festival 2014

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What has changed? My last Queer Tango Festival was Buenos Aires in 2009. The global scene has advanced in several dimensions: The level was much improved.  The tendency to jerkiness which has characterised most qt events I’ve seen to date has been overcome.  People danced with nice connection.  I am thrilled. The number and level […]

Queer desires

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I had some idea about what I would learn on this trip.  Predictably it is different. I am learning something about the construction of desire. The first thing I noticed is that I am not attracted to revels wearing high heels.  Next I noticed that I prefer a girl wearing pants… There are a covey […]

Queer goes to church

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Wow what a beautiful space!  Very very slippery,  but a gorgeous space,  an entire church nave to play in.  Even a little energetic music,  after 3am. I had a very weird night.  Still exhausted somehow despite a restful day with a long nap and lots of water.  Walked in on my own and cabeceod a […]

Queer Night 2


Felt awful today,  beyond tired.  The last few days I wake up feeling that sleeping is a lot of work.  Dehydration,  maybe? The exhaustion didn’t lift at the low-ceilinged milonga at Bebop.  The music was bland and the sound system turned it into porridge. Again,  it was great to șee friends,  and I got to […]

Berlin Queer Tango festival opens

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Well it was a pretty big night. First of all,  the level was very nice.  The tendency to jerkiness which has characterised most qt events I’ve seen to date has been overcome.  People danced with nice connection.  I am thrilled about this. Second,  the number and level of women leaders is now significant.  Still more […]

Renaming the Roles


A term sometimes used for the lead in BsAs is ‘marcar’, to mark. He is an artist, drawing in the dark. The role of the Revel is to bring his mark to life, to witness and celebrate his creativity, to give it back to him, a little more beautiful than he imagined.

A Passing Embrace

Fabian Perez painting

It’s the performance that counts. You drag your self into another reality, propped up with costumes and glue. You may not believe it, but you will convince those who aren’t paying close attention anyway.

Rainbow Queer Tango Sydney Press Release

Rainbow Queer Tango Sydney

Queering the World’s Most Romantic Dance. Gay people grasp the magic of Argentine Tango – in Buenos Aires, Berlin, San Francisco, New York, Stockholm, New York, Boston, Portland, Wellington, México City…

Why we need Feminist Tango

La Maria Tango Practica

A feminist tango is not anti-man in any way, but it is pro-woman. It means we give each other the same gracious generosity that we habitually and unhesitatingly offer to strange men. It means we give each other more, and what that more can be is open to the imagination of every woman who has suffered the unique and poignant pains of tango.

What is Rainbow Queer Argentine Tango?


Queer Tango is a global movement to create inclusive and diverse space for Argentine Tango dancers. This means celebrating gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender dancers. It also means celebrating any dancers who want to experiment with different approaches to gender and roles while dancing Argentine Tango, such as women who want to lead, men who […]

Slideshow from 2009 Celebration of Women Leaders


On 19 April 2009, Duro y Vio organized two beautiful events at Spontaneous Celebrations to mark their departure from Boston. One was Boston’s first Queer Tango Milonga. The other was a Celebration of Women Leaders. Here’s the gorgeous slideshow from that event. Celebration of Women Leaders from vio saraza on Vimeo. Please do not repost […]

Gender, desire, and drag

Tango is Drag

This research note examines the unique possibilities that tango may create as it becomes queered, and identifies ways in which the extreme gender environment of traditional tango is already queer. I distinguish three layers of gender experience in tango: drag, object desire, and inhabitation of essence.

Queer Hip Hop

Queer hip hop and tango

Homo Revolution is a national tour of Queer hip hop artists. It’s interesting to reflect on the acts and meanings of queer hip hop as we think about building queer tango.