Meeting your Dream
We met on 1.August 2014. There was no middle-ground halfway between our lives in Sydney and Berlin. There was no time to hesitate. We both knew how hard it was to develop without a partner. And we had a taste of what our connection could be.
Buscamos – The Search
She imputes joy to my movement which is in fact the urgent beating of wings to fly aimlessly in a storm that never ends.
The deepest desire of human beings is not to be alone. Whatever our individual pathways toward or around this issue, tango has given us a way to experience partnership. I believe that it is this aspect of tango which is most compelling. Despite the thrills of sensuality, tenderness, attention, celebrity, and musicality, it is the […]
It’s striking. Every time I talk with someone about having finally found the dance partner I’ve been looking for, and my plans to return to Berlin to try working with him, people respond with intense encouragement. “Go!” Many people have gone on from that point to offer assistance. I feel that I am surrounded by angels. I’m […]
Tango as relationship therapy (The Atlantic)
I, You, and ‘the Embrace’: Tango as Relationship Therapy By Amelia Rachel Hokule’a Borofsky The Atlantic, Oct 23 2012 Taking a test on healthcare provider burnout, I met every criterion. It lists the familiar recommendations that no one has time for: “self-care,” “exercise,” “sleep,” “eat.” The same ones I make to my patients. At home, between my […]
Couples and tango partners
Somehow, in tango we are especially vulnerable to criticism. Perhaps it is because dancing tango means working at about 125% of not only our physical capacities, but our intellectual, emotional, and even spiritual ones as well. In what other moment of our life is so much of ourselves on the line?
I’m learning tango with my sweetheart, do I need to change partners?
There is no requirement to change partners, but it is recommended that you dance with lots of different people, even if you have a main partner.
Troubles in practice?
While practicing, it is likely that you will have some frustration with your partner. When something is not working, it is VERY hard to tell what’s wrong and who is at fault, tempting though that is. Here are some tips: