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UltraVioleta Tango Style

My posts, What to Wear to Dance Tango and Why I Hate Comme Il Fault Tango Shoes, are getting thousands of hits from 41 countries around the world!

This tells me it’s time to launch UltraVioleta, my clothing line for men and women. The patterns are made. The idea is that your clothing should be as unique as your dance.   I haven’t designed shoes yet, but I have some ideas…

To be the first to wear UltraVioleta, put your email in this list for production updates…

Style Guides

  • tango clothing for men and women is coming soon! International shopping for the most elegant and sexy tango clothes is about to happen right here.
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  • In the interim, I recommending a few designers and shops that I love, and curating their collections just for you.


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