Fairy dust

mac strength

Femininity is always a fantasy. There is no lasting escape from our strength and men’s frailty. (There are other ways to understand it, but these moments are also rare.) The respite and pleasure you receive from tango is a precious gift, a facet, a moment of “altered perception”, and an addictive drug. Like every drug, like every addiction, it is not reality, it is damaging, and you will come down. To get real with this retrograde gender activity you’ve got yourself hooked in to, you need to decide that you are not going to suffer. And there are other ways than leaving the milonga when there are too many women.To stop suffering the absence of fantasy-ecstasy-femininity requires that you accept all of who you are.

Tango Sisters


Women who love tango, making it our own!

One Tanda with Ekaterina

wpid khomenko

Ekaterina Khomenko was murdered in St Petersburg on 7 September.  It is strongly believed that the murder is connected to her work as a Queer Tango teacher. (News articles: Global Voices and Queer Russia.)   We danced this past July at the Berlin Queer Tango Festival 2014 and I want to thank Ekaterina more formally for what […]

I am not a teddy bear: a gender breakdown

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So first of all my motivations and possible rewards as a mark are different than a man’s. I am not interested in romance, or confirmations of my virility. I am not interested in her tits or smile. I do not feel her beauty as an acquisition. The physical sensation will never be the same because […]

Why Women should learn to lead, by Mitra Martin

Women tango leaders

Why Women Should Learn to Lead in Tango by Mitra Martin, founder of Oxygen Tango School of LA   Here in Mar Vista , it is wonderous exciting to be surrounded by a lot of nice dancers who dance both roles fluently. It makes practicas super productive and fun and raises the level of Tango […]

Girls who want more

Tango girls

Girlfriend, I know. Dancing tango as a revel is the experience you’ve been looking for all your life. When it’s good it’s the best thing you’ve ever tasted. You can’t get enough. Not all marks do it for you, but you don’t mind the suspenseful wait for the eyes of one of those marks, the ones who make […]

Why we need Feminist Tango

La Maria Tango Practica

A feminist tango is not anti-man in any way, but it is pro-woman. It means we give each other the same gracious generosity that we habitually and unhesitatingly offer to strange men. It means we give each other more, and what that more can be is open to the imagination of every woman who has suffered the unique and poignant pains of tango.

La Maria Practica, Buenos Aires (the complete interview)

Assisted by Daniele Perillo, I interviewed the organizers of La Maria Practica on 25 January, 2010. Inspired by the interview, I wrote an article about the need for feminist tango. At the time of the interview, La Maria was organized by Majo Marini, Cynthia Fatori, y Corina Herrera. As of March 2010, the organizers are […]

Slideshow from 2009 Celebration of Women Leaders


On 19 April 2009, Duro y Vio organized two beautiful events at Spontaneous Celebrations to mark their departure from Boston. One was Boston’s first Queer Tango Milonga. The other was a Celebration of Women Leaders. Here’s the gorgeous slideshow from that event. Celebration of Women Leaders from vio saraza on Vimeo. Please do not repost […]