An adorno is an adornment of a movement, like a decoration, made with the free leg. Both Marks and Revels adorn their movements. Revels’ adornos include a large range of gestures, many of which can be marked. But we will use the term adorno for what is more precisely an “unmarked adorno”. Since your free […]
Arch of Connection
What is powerful about Argentine Tango in comparison with other dances is the priority placed on and the care taken to develop perfect physical connection between the partners. This precise connection makes communication more exact, makes the touch of the partners more tender, and makes possible more subtle musicality. Precisely connected motion is the foremost […]
Is the embrace the source of our connection? No. The embrace is the last mile. We position the lower body into an arc and aim it at our partner’s base leg to create an arch of connection. The embrace completes the arch of connection. To keep the embrace taut and agile, we use only two instructions: external rotation […]
Tension (deprecated) is a vague term which is used to describe the gentle muscle contractions we need to keep our bodies connected (for example contraction of triceps muscle to keep the embrace taut) intense muscle contractions we need to support dramatic moves like rebvolcada and colgada excess habitual muscle contractions which block communication.. What is […]
This entry discusses continuous motion/consecutive steps in one direction. Be sure to check steps for all the technique needed to make just one step in the various directions. Argentine Tango is, famously, a “walking dance”. Walking is highly refined, and more subtle and demanding than showy moves. Proper execution of a gancho can be taught […]