Soltada is going outside of the usual tango embrace.
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Rules of Soltada:
- We keep dancing tango.
- Always look for connection (with hands and eyes)
- Direction is less important than matching the partner’s timing and dynamic.
1 “Animals”: No touch at all. The mark invites the revel to a direction, and she moves to match. Direction is less important than dynamic! Be aware of your speed limit for moving together! Use rebotes.
Using the tango pathways
What are the tango pathways?
- walking on a line (mark going front, mark going back, mark going side [molinete lineal])
- moving side to side (side steps or ochos)
- walking on a circle (giro)
- staying on a point (voleos, adornis, calecita)
2 Test for the Revel’s perceptions: The mark establishes a pathway then lets go of her and stops on place. The revel must continue three steps by herself. The mark tells her if she got the pathway right.
3 The mark establishes a pathway, then lets go of her and plays as she continues. Rather than reestablishing the usual embrace all at once, the mark should start with just one hand, mark a few steps, and then return the complete embrace.
Using tango interactions
We can dance interactions in soltada. Some possibilities are: sacada, barrida, Pulpeades
4 Mark’s sacada: The mark makes one mark’s sacada and releases the embrace. The revel continues to provide sacada-receptive steps until the mark reestablishes contact and marks something else.
5 Revel’s sacadas: The mark creates one revel’s sacada and releases the embrace. The revel continues to enter each of his steps until he reestablishes contact and marks something else.
6 Barrida. The mark creates a parada, releases the embrace, and they plays in barrida and sandwichito. The revel can change feet as necessary, so long as she stays within the parada/barrida/sandwichito game
7 Pulpeades are repeated ganchos.
Once you are experienced with the interactions, it’s possible to transition from pathways to interactions within a soltada.