Dear students …. I’m so proud of you for doing the Challenge!
This area is for you, so I’ll try to be quiet unless I’m asked to comment on something. All topics are welcome. Please feel free. – Vio
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- Abduct
- Adorno
- Align
- Alteracion
- Amble
- Arabesque
- Arc
- Arch of Connection
- articulate
- Axis
- Barrida
- Base leg
- Butterfly voleo
- Calesita
- Castigada
- Change of Embrace
- Change of foot
- Co-contraction
- Colgada
- Collect
- Compression
- Connection
- Conservation of co-contraction
- Contra
- Contra Voleo
- Core
- Cross
- Cross-system
- Decelerate
- Deltoid
- Disassociation
- Double-gancho
- Double-giro
- Dynamic
- Embrace
- Energy
- Enrosque
- Entrada
- Extend
- External rotation
- Fast
- First projection
- Flex
- Flying step
- Force
- Frame
- Free leg
- Freeze
- Gait
- Gancho
- Geometry
- Giro
- Intention
- Internal rotation
- Joint
- Lapiz / Pencil
- lateral
- Leaning
- Mirror system
- Molinete
- Molinete lineal
- Obliques
- Ocho
- Ocho cortado
- Open
- Oppositional power
- out-of-axis
- Pace-system
- Parada
- Parallel
- Passe
- Patada
- peroneal
- Piernazo
- Piriformis
- pirouette
- Pivot
- Pivot-parada
- Planeo
- pointed toes
- Power
- Pro voleo
- Project
- Psoas
- Pulpeades
- Quadriceps
- Rebote
- Rebote cadera
- Rotator cuff
- Sacada
- Sandwichito
- Second projection
- shoulder-flexion
- Single-giro
- Soltada
- Spiral
- stabilization chain
- Step
- Supraspinatus
- Suspension
- Tension
- Track
- Transfer
- Transition
- Transverse Abdominus
- Tricep
- Trot-system
- Vertical circle
- Volcada
- Voleo
- Voleo Circular
- Voleo Linear
- Walk
- Walking-sacada
- Wrap