Combat/Dance Laboratory

Interdisciplinary laboratory for artists and professionals interested in exploring and reflecting on the zones between combat and dance.

Neo Tango Australia 2020: Online Participatory Event


Starting 22.May the Australian Neo Tango Festival will do a special online version. The idea is pretty cool which is that they have transformed the schedule into themes and asked everyone who wants to participate to post contributions on that theme during the timeslot. I have re-written their schedule adding the time zones around the […]

TangoForge Tour 2020


This year, we will attend more neotango events, and offer our seminars on Fridays adjacent to the workshops. We will do full weekend workshops in Sweden, Frankfurt, and Berlin.
Please check the schedule (still under construction) on the AGENDA page.

FIskabäck Österlen Sverige July 5-7, 2019


The second TangoForge Seminar Compañeros for 2019 and the fifth gathering of TangoForge Sverige took place at the beautiful Fiskabäck retreat center in the Swedish Österlen from 5-7 July, 2019. The focus of the workshop was improvisation with tango customs and patterns, specifically the three giros, molinete lineal, and adornos. Vio y Jessica performed on […]

Altertango Tryst 2018 in Lotus Loft

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Klik hier für DEUTSCH We have been making experiments with Altertango throughout 2018 and we are now ready to host our first open event, Thursdays 25.Okt-29.Nov 2018 in Lotus Loft, Gerichtstraße 23, Aufgang 4. Dancers who have attended our experimental Altertango events describe the experience as “precious”, an unrepeatable, rare experience of connection with a […]

2018 Seminar Encuentro Compañeros

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III Seminar Encuentro Compañeros TangoForge, August 2018, Berlin. 27 students from 12 countries, 10 musicians, 3 beautiful rooms, 6 workshops, and pure Argentine Tango dancing with contemporary gender perspectives on diverse music.

Sverige III: Halland

Than you to Jessica for the vision to organize our third visit to Sverige, to Carin & Thomas Münther for hosting us, and to Tango Imago for inviting us to perform. Photography: Vio, Jessica, Carin, Lisbeth, Ulrika.

Halland, Sverige


Intensive Weekend Workshop

16-18.March Halland, Sweden

1-3.December Workshop & Dancing with Abisko Lights


[GDC_row] [GDC_column size=”third”] [/GDC_column] [GDC_column size=”third”] [/GDC_column] [GDC_column size=”third”] Listen to more on Soundcloud, or visit Abisko Lights Website.[/GDC_column] [/GDC_row] Please join the TangoForge Berlin community for the weekend of 2. December to learn, practice, and dance to Abisko Lights. It will be the first time that tango dancers dance on Abisko Lights’ music and the […]


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TangoForge is a community of dancers committed to sublime technique and maximum artistry. This weekend we will focus on the embrace, its anatomy, how change of embrace is part of the mark for every movement, and how Tango connects us in every possible embrace.

Seminar Encuentro Compañeros TangoForge 2017


  The Seminar Compañeros TangoForge included dancers from 8 countries. By the end of the week 5 women marked for the first time in milongas. The final day of the seminar, we reviewed the material for the week and learned to coach one another, so that everyone can go home and build practice groups. Everyone […]

TangoForge Sverige


TangoForge will spend a weekend with Deer 2 Tango in Genarp. Two days of workshops, a milonga, and Lustprincipen Practica. Registration includes sleeping place, food, and private lessons for every student!

Neo Tango Rave 2017


Crew TangoForge is thrilled to have the chance to dance, rave, and revel at the 2017 Neo Tango Rave, 11-13 August, Bremen and honored to be teaching our “Beyond Control” Workshop there.
Unfortunately it’s booked full full full already. If you want to take the Beyond Control Workshop, it’s online…

Best of TangoForge 2016: Two Saturdays in December

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On December 3. and 10., we’ll be teaching the “Best of TangoForge 2016” workshops, including this one, and for the first time we’ll make the workshops available on video. You can register below to be with us live, or for access to the video.  3. Dec 2016 in Tangoloft 14:00-15:00 Biomechanik: The Arch of Connection […]

TangoForge Amsterdam

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TangoForge is about: • anatomically accurate biomechanical tools for sublime connection, clear communication, and dynamic range • systems for improvisation • open-minded tango: we encourage role exploration, applying Argentine Tango to the world heritage of music, and dancing the entire tango lexicon We’ll be in Amsterdam from 10-14 March. Friday 11.March 20:00… One hour class about the biomechanics […]

Wellington 2015

Thursday 3.Dec 19:30-20:30 What is the the TangoForge Biomechanical Toolbox? 20:30-21:30 Welcome Practica. Evening is free for everyone taking weekend workshops. Otherwise $10. Saturday 5.Dec 1200-1500: Biomechanical Toolbox 1* 1600-1900: Improvisation Workshop: “Intense connection outside of the standard embrace: a system for soltadas” Sunday 6.Dec 1200-1500: Biomechanical Toolbox 2* 1600-1900: Improvisation Workshop: “The power of […]

Vio y Roberto Tanz im Lassan


SAMSTAG, 26. September 2015 im Schloss Bauer 19.30 Uhr Konzert mit BelTango aus Greifswald A. Fischer (Klarinette) H. Silvennoien (Cello), Karen Salewski (Akkordeon) Die deutsch-finnische Band spielt rein instrumentalen Tango. Ab 18.30 Praktische Einführung in den Tango mit dem Tanzpaar Roberto & Violeta aus Berlin/Greifswald Sie zeigen einen Showtanz und legen Tango-Musik zum Tanzen auf. […]

Vio Sydney Sundays November 2015

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Vio will teach three Sundays in November. Each day will include two workshops. One on improvisation for dancing to powerful music, excerpts from a series developed for Tangoloft-Berlin. The second workshop will cover parts of the Biomechanical Toolbox. Choose a number of workshops in the registration form.

TangoForge im Tangoloft

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  Workshops Workshop: Donnerstags, 19:00-21:30 Uhr im Tangoloft, 23 Gerichtstraße, Wedding  Details und Anmeldung. 3. Nov-17.Nov + Practica 24.Nov 19:00-20:30 19:00-20:00 BIOMECHANIK – Körperkonzepte, die Geschmeidigkeit hervorbringen 20:00-21:30 IMPROVISATION – Spielkonzepte, die dein Selbst ausdrücken Samstags 3.Dec & 10.Dec “Best of TangoForge 2016” bitte klik hier. Über unsere Kurse: Wir unterrichten in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Durch […]

DJ Elio Astor aus Rom: Berlin-Debüt

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Mona Isabelle, Tangoloft Berlin, und TangoForge begrüßen Neotango-DJ Elio Astor aus Rom in Berlin. Freitag, 30. Oktober Elio gibt im Tangoloft einen DJ-Workshop von 14:00 – 17:00. Anmeldung unten. Die Themen: Wie neue Musik finden Musik für einen Abend zusammenstellen Technik: mit ‚Traktor Pro DJ Software‘ ein live DJ-Set erstellen Und ab 21:00 Uhr werden […]

TangoForge London


Ready to deepen your connection and maximize your creativity? In TangoForge workshops you’ll get a compact biomechanical toolbox you can use to fix your own technique and a systematic understanding of the possibilities for improvisation.

April series at Kulturschöpfer

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Vio & Roberto werden erstmalig im April 2015 gemeinsamen wöchentlichen Unterricht in Berlin geben. Wenn Du Yoga, Tüftelspiele, Kampfsport oder den Umgang mit Ursache-Wirkung-Prinzipien magst, dann wirst Du auch den Tango bald in Dein Herz schließen. Wir lehren athletischen Tango zu zeitgemäßer Musik. Wir nutzen das gesamte Tango-Repertoire, nicht nur bis 1940, sondern bis heute. […]

Schmaus und Improvisationseinlagen beim Embrace Festival in Berlin


Du besuchst Berlins spezial Embrace Festival?
Dann besuche uns auf einen Schmaus mit Improvisationseinlagen, basierend auf Berlins eigenem wilden Essen… in einer traumhaften neuen Umgebung, mit drei Improvisations-Einheiten, gemacht, um Deine Schranken zu sprengen und Deine Kreativität zu entfachen.

Tangofrühling in Greifswald (21./22.03.2015)

TangoForge at Tango Fruhling

Wir wollen Euch herzlich einladen zum unserem kleinen Festival: “2.Tangofrühling Greifswald”, das in 4 Wochen vor der Tür steht.
Seid dieser Woche melden sich schon Leute an und wir haben auch einen kleinen Rabatt für Viel- und Frühbucher eingerichtet.

Brot und Tango Improvisation Practica


Wir laden Dich herzlich zu “Brot und Tango” ein …
Tango Laboratorium und frisches Brot, mit veganem Salat in Bio-Qualität bei nachmittäglicher gemeinsamer Gemütlichkeit.
Bekomme 3 Stunden Anleitung, begegne …

The Anatomy Tour


Dates Confirmed!: Berlin 9-11 January, Boston 6-17 March

Europe 2014 Itinerary


Updated: 9-16 July Berlin … 16-20 July Dresden … 21July-13August Berlin … 13-21 August Zurich … 21-27 August Istanbul

Oct-Nov 2013 Workshop Intensive

  Three Sundays   27 October 3 November 10 November  at the beautiful Jewel Lab space at Colombian Hotel 2-3:30 pm class, 3:30-5pm supervised practica    These workshops will be focused on consolidating three basic tools that distinguish the most sublime leaders and the most connected followers. Finding the Arch of Connection Leading the Psoas […]

A16 Jewel Lab: The party!

  The Jewel Lab Party sparkled with more than 60 guests and 10 performers. It was a beautiful night of celebrating our community. Consensus is that the new floor is just fine, so the milonga will continue at this venue every Tuesday 8:30-midnight.  Part way through the evening I explained the various dimensions of the […]

Armin Vio Workshops 2012

Armin will teach two workshops on how to set your dance free, work with intensities, and be playful! 13 and 20 May 1-3 pm Heffron Hall 34-40 Burton Street at Palmer in Darlinghurst Workshop 1: The Embrace… What is the embrace for? How do we make the embrace light? How do we use the embrace […]

Using Tango to Enhance your Gender Performance

Argentine Tango is about many things, including extreme gender. It’s a fantasy of femininity and masculinity. In this workshop, we’ll look at how Tango can help us feel more confident in our everyday masculinity and femininity, how we walk down the street, how we stand, and how we use our bodies to give and receive […]

Technique Workshops

TangoForge Workshop

I sequence my instruction in an unusual way. My approach is based on an analysis of the difficulty and number of biomechanical skills needed to execute each move.