TangoForge is a community of dancers committed to sublime technique and maximum artistry.
We use real improvisation. Dancing from the elements requires more concentration than using sequences and results in more intense experiences of connection, higher sensitivity, richer musicality, and a safer ronda.
Our 5 biomechanical tools enable dancers to analyze any movement and diagnose technique.
This weekend we will focus on the embrace, its anatomy, how change of embrace is part of the mark for every movement, and how Tango connects us in every possible embrace.
All TangoForge students receive private lessons as part of registration.
No partner is required for registration.
The Biomechanics classes are prerequisite to the Impro classes.
Agenda: TangoForge Basel Argentine Tango 15-17.Juli 2017
12:00-13:30 Biomechanics of Joints: awareness and control
13:30-14:30 Lunch Together
14:30-16:30 Impro 1: Perfect control of the embrace from molinete lineal to flying step
17:00-19:00 Privates / Practica
Privates 11:00-13:00
13:00-14:00 lunch together
14:00-15:30 Biomechanics of Connection and Projection: The Language of Tango
16:00-18:00 Impro 2: Freeing the embrace to maximize sculpture and expression while maintaining sublime tango communication.
FOS Freie Mittelschule, Gründenstrasse 95, 4132 Muttenz
Please ask any questions to Office@TangoForge.com or Gabriela Coccioli.
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Commendations about our weekend workshops, all from students who never met us before
“One of the best –maybe the best– tango teachers I’ve ever met….lessons are the most concise, complete, detailed way of describing tango I have ever seen.”
“So organized!”
“Vio has such a clear understanding of what she wants to convey. There was not one wasted moment.”
“The workshop shows you how you can be creative. We explored in a comprehensive manner all the possibilities of a single movement, to consider all the creative opportunities. You don’t have to trundle around the dance floor with three steps and pretend you’re having a great time.”
“For months, I’ve been trying to emulate a certain dancer, and i couldn’t figure out how, but with what you taught today, I felt like him.”
“Amazing resource in Vio: I got a deeper understanding of everything from my embrace to the cross, to voleos and ganchos that I’m not too experienced with.”
“I got interesting insights into what’s been blocking me.”
“After following your workshop, other classes will seem boring because you reach a level of precision, accuracy and usability that is kind of rare in tango teaching. (And you are funny, sometimes.)”
“After 12 years of very technical study, from Vio I’ve learned the physiological basis of all that technique — what my body is doing and why.”
” ‘Connect, feel the music’ — it’s not enough. It’s your body. She provides the anatomical specificity: this muscle does this thing. Then you can dance to the music.”
“I had not met Vio before this weekend. I feel I’ve stumbled into a gold mine.”