Colorado December 2-4, 2022
For ambitious dancers who want to understand the repertoire and technique of Argentine Tango.
I've been with 7 other Tango teachers in Melbourne, Sydney and New York.
Your videos give more relevant practical info in 60 seconds then most students get in 10 years, if ever...Every time I watch your videos
your clarity and accuracy amazes me anew.It is rewarding to see my partner's transformation...
He is more confident, and a lot more playful and creative.I really need to compliment you on your teaching methods, because
I grow as a tango dancer very quickly with the MasterCourse, so I stopped doing regular group classes.Friday 2.December
Embrace Specifications
Every movement in tango has an embrace specification – actions of the three joints of the arms. Learning the five embrace actions will turbocharge the clarity of your lead and impart new confidence to your following.
North Hall at Avalon, Boulder
Our exercises are designed for dancers of ALL levels.
NO partner required.
Saturday 3.December
Fitness for Tango Dancers
Strength, stretching, and cardio exercises specifically designed for Argentine Tango dancers.Sodal Hall at Avalon, Boulder
High-performance Volcadas and Colgadas
Most of the time we see the same volcada and colgada sequences and dynamics. Learn how to make subtle or dramatic volcadas and colgadas any time in the dance, without sequences, to experience the delicious intensification of connection more often and with more variety. Prerequisite: Embrace SpecificationsSodal Hall at Avalon, Boulder
Book reading: Until Forever: the Dark Silences of Argentine Tango and open Q/A with Vio
Location TBA
Sunday 4. December
All the Voleos: the TangoForge system for Mastery
In this workshop we will not master anything, but we learn how to master everything, through a systematic analysis of the elements of tango and their variations. We will take voleos as the element for focus, differentiating circular from linear, pro and contra, and exploring all the variations. The result is the freedom to do any voleo at any time, without memorizing sequences or repeating ourselves.Sodal Hall at Avalon, Boulder
The Tango Technology
Argentine Tango is a magnificent technology of communication. In this workshop you’ll learn how to use this technology in any position and any embrace. We’ll also learn how to rely on the tango repertoire to dance with perfect lead-follow communication with no embrace at all.
Sodal Hall at Avalon, Boulder
Filmmaking for Argentine Tango
Tango videos never manage to capture the intensity of the real thing. In this workshop you’ll apply the techniques of action films to creating a satisfying tango video.North Hall at Avalon, Boulder
Everything ...
Do the weekend for FREE if you enroll now in the MasterCourse-
18-month enrollment in the TangoForge Digital School
Comprehensive video MasterCourse covering the 25 elements of tango with all needed technique and systems of variations
30 Home Solo Practice Courses
The Exercise Center for Tango muscle strength and control
The Knowledgebase (wikipedia of tango movements)
Pass for all 6 classes (14 hours)
À la carte
Further à la carte enrollments will open on 20.November if space is available. To be notified, you can put your email on the list.
Friday 18.November 19:00-20:30
Introduction to the MasterCourse system
and TangoForge distilled technique
We have distilled all tango technique to just 5 memorable biomechanical tools that you can use to diagnose your own problems and help fellow dancers. This free session will give an overview of these 5 tools and introduce our comprehensive MasterCourse: everything you need to know about tango in 10 hours of video. This is a lecture/demonstration, not a dancing class.
Location TBA
Meet TangoForge
Vio et Daniel
Founder and Director of TangoForge, Vio is responsible for pedagogy and artistic direction. She can dance in any shoes that are beautiful. She loves to dance to d’Agostino and slow, dramatic music from any genre.
Daniel’s Team Adrenaline helped to develop Parkour in Paris and share “the art of displacement” throughout the world. As a professional stuntman, he specializes in combat and acrobatics. His first stunt with TangoForge was to learn tango in 30 days.
Together, Vio and Daniel are exploring how to tell stories in film and performance that involve both combat and dance in a meaningful way. Vio wants to discover ways to bring Daniel’s explosivity into the dynamics of tango.
Drawing on Daniel’s experience as a choreographer and filmmaker, they have applied the techniques of action films to making tango films that capture the intensity of dancers’ experience. They also combine their knowledge of ballet, yoga, pilates, and bodybuilding to further develop the TangoForge fitness programs.
Their trilogy of short films, Rage, will debüt in November 2022.